Saturday, August 29, 2015

Thoughts on growth mindset

Prior to reading the articles and watching the videos, I had never been introduced to growth mindset.  I had heard of the teaching method were student were rewarded no matter how much effort was put in.  I was highly critical of that method and when I started reading about the growth mindset, I thought it was the same thing.  However, after reading more about I saw the merits of the system and how it could improve learning.  It made me feel like that I had wasted a lot of my life because I was not pushed in school.  In college I believe I have unknowingly applied growth mindset in my life.  I have had failures but I have rebounded from those and have learned from the mistakes.  This semester I hope to further apply the growth mindset into my life.  

It's a Cha-Cha (Source: Growth Mindset Blog Post) By Laura Gibbs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am going to agree with you on the lack of teaching from high school but I would disagree that the entirety of high school was like this I feel that several of our teachers provided this atmosphere. My examples for this are Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Pool. I love your picture but I have seen it on other student’s blogs. (had to make it 60)

  3. I chose this meme too! I feel the same way about school growing up. I don’t remember really trying to hard in a lot of classes, not because I was a bad student, but a lot of teachers seemed to just be satisfied as long as the assignment was turned in. I think growth mindset is great in showing that failure is final, it’s a learning opportunity to do better next time.

  4. This meme made me laugh. I liked doing the growth mindset activities and browsing through memes. I can relate to some of what you said about high school. I definitely feel like I didn't have to try very hard in high school, and was comfortable just coasting through my four years, but that has not been the case for me here at OU.
