Monday, September 28, 2015

Reading Diary A: The Mahabharata by R. K. Narayan

I am reading The Mahabharata by R. K. Narayan.  My one of my favorite stories in this section of the reading was the part of the story where The Pandavas are hiding in the kingdom of King Virata.  When Duryodhana hears that Kichaka was killed, he only hesitated for a moment then he decided to attack King Virata’s Kingdom.  I found that it was interesting that the kings allied with King Duryodhana were fine with King Duryodhana attacking another king.  It was amusing that Bhima was able to save King Virata and capture King Susharman, who had been the one who advised King Duryodhana to attack King Virata.  Another interesting part of this story is when Prince Uttara had Arjuna become his charioteer and Arjuna acted like he had no idea how to put on his armor.  Then after they leave, Prince Uttara became frightened and wanted to return so Arjuna had him become the charioteer and had Prince Uttara retrieve his weapons from the tree in the graveyard.  Then Arjuna reveals his identity to Prince Uttara.  After that, Arjuna and Prince Uttara go into battle.  When Arjuna meets the enemy, he fires arrows past Drona’s ears and at his feet.  I found that very interesting that Arjuna saluted his former mentor in such a manner.  Then Arjuna defeats Karna and put the rest of them to sleep.  I found it interesting that Arjuna did not kill them and be done with the whole affair because King Duryodhana was with them.  If he had done that, the war could have been avoided.

King  Virata at his court (Source: wikipedia)

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