Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Reading Diary B: The Mahabharata by R. K. Narayan

I am reading the Mahabharata by R. K. Narayan.  One of my favorite stories in this section of the Mahabharata is the section with the dice games.  I found it interesting how Yudhishthira knew that gambling was dangerous and that he should not partake in it but he still did because Kshatriyas do not refuse a challenge.  Then Yudhishthira allowed himself to be caught up in the game and bet everything that he had.  Then after he lost what he had it was given it back by King Dhritarashtra after he granted two wishes to free Yudhishthira and his four brothers.  Then as Yudhishthira was returning to his home he is called back to play more dice and he accepts again.  Then as was expected he lost again and was forced to go into exile for twelve years and the go incognito for one year.  The fact that later he says he thought he could win the dice game and take Duryodhana’s kingdom is ludicrous especially considering the fact he was terrible at the game and the person he was playing was good at the game.  In addition, it is odd that he continued to bet in the second game after the first round.  He could have played a round with a minimal bet and when he lost, he could have retired and gone back to his home.  However, he instead continued to bet and lose.  I think there was a lesson to be learned from this about excesses, about knowing your limits, about gambling, and about being level headed.  

Yudhishthira gambling (Source: wikimedia)

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